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Engagement: Aaron & Megan
I enjoy seeing engaged couples relate with each other…they’re so in love, spending time anywhere is made complete with the other, and they’re anxiously planning for such a big day in their lives. For Aaron and Megan that much anticipated day is in July, 2018! I’m so looking forward to celebrating with them! For now, however, allow me to give you a little glimpse into their lives (and don’t miss what they have to say about each other below…so sweet!)
Aaron and Megan met through a mutual friend in high school. Their lives went in different directions, but God had other plans when He reconnected them after about ten years. They love traveling and exploring the beauty of nature. In fact, Aaron proposed to Megan in Ireland!! Megan shares, “We enjoy spending time with both of our families, singing country music loudly, and taking pictures. We are our goofy selves together and I love that most about us!”
Megan, tell me a little about Aaron…
“Aaron is God’s good gift to me and my very best friend. He is the most gentle voice of reason when I need advice or when I’m being irrational. He reassures me when I feel insecure and gives me the confidence to make me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. He inspires me to do the things I think I cannot. When we are together I feel inexpressible joy and security in comfort. I love that Aaron adores his family, and is a mentor to so many other young men. I love that he can get me to belly laugh even when I am being grumpy. I love that he shows me through his words and actions that I am valuable and worthy of respect. Most importantly, Aaron is a follower of Christ and displays that through his interactions with the world around him.”
Aaron, what do you love about Megan?
“I love Meg because of her caring, open, loving heart. She’s patient with my “occasional” immaturity, and allows me the freedom to not act my age. She’s amazing with children and will be a great mother. I love how much she invests herself for the good of others. I love her loyalty to her family. I love how much she enjoys my family. I love her ability to make friends with everyone around her. I love her adventurous spirit and how excited she gets to go somewhere new or unique. I love how intelligent she is and how she challenges my thought processes. She’s my best friend, a bright ray of sunshine and I can’t imagine a life without her in it.”
I prayed that that the Lord would bring a Godly man into Megan’s life. Someone who will cherish her but not idolize her. Someone who respects her but does not worship her. Someone who has a big enough heart to love the Lord and Megan. And God answered my prayer. He brought Aaron into Megan’s life. Love you both!