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Wedding: Seth & Lori

Wooster, Ohio

Seth and Lori’s day didn’t quite turn out the way they originally planned due to storms, but their fun-loving personalities didn’t let the changes mess with their joy and memories from their day!

Ohio_Wedding_Photography (2)Ohio_Wedding_Photography (3)The day began in a quaint old house on the Ohio State University OARDC Wooster Campus. Ohio_Wedding_Photography (4) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (5) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (6)Ohio_Wedding_Photography (1)Ohio_Wedding_Photography (7) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (8) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (9) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (10) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (12) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (13) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (14) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (15) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (16) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (17) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (18) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (19) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (20) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (21) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (22)

First look in one of the beautiful gardens…Ohio_Wedding_Photography (23) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (24) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (25) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (26) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (27) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (28) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (29) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (30) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (31) Ohio_Wedding_Photography (32)

You’ll notice in these pictures the unique amphitheater.  This is where the ceremony was supposed to take place, however, upon watching the forecast the decision was made ahead of time to move the ceremony indoors at a church….VERY good decision!  After we snapped some pictures of Seth and Lori and a few of the bridal party the rain DUMPED!  In fact, it poured again at the exact time Lori was walking up the aisle!  Wedding_Photography (1) Wedding_Photography (2) Wedding_Photography (3) Wedding_Photography (4) Wedding_Photography (5) Wedding_Photography (6) Wedding_Photography (7) Wedding_Photography (8)2016-08-30_0078 Wedding_Photography (9) Wedding_Photography (10) Wedding_Photography (11) Wedding_Photography (12) Wedding_Photography (13) Wedding_Photography (14) Wedding_Photography (15) Wedding_Photography (16) Wedding_Photography (17) Wedding_Photography (18) Wedding_Photography (19) Wedding_Photography (20) Wedding_Photography (21) Wedding_Photography (22) Wedding_Photography (23) Wedding_Photography (24) Wedding_Photography (25) Wedding_Photography (26)Seth and Lori had a beautiful, worship-filled ceremony.  It was evident they want the Lord first in their lives and their marriage.Wedding_Photography (27) Wedding_Photography (28) Wedding_Photography (29)Wedding_Photography (30) Wedding_Photography (32)Wedding_Photography (33) Wedding_Photography (31)Wedding_Photography (34) Wedding_Photography (35) Wedding_Photography (36) Wedding_Photography (37) Wedding_Photography (38) Wedding_Photography (39)Wedding_Photography (40)


Thank you to Jenell Shrock for second shooting for Seth and Lori’s wedding!  We’ll always remember their day…riding on the back of the pickup truck, covered up with trash bags in the pouring rain! 🙂

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