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Wedding: Chris & Emily
High school sweethearts…always and forever!
Chris and Emily’s wedding day was like most typical days in Ohio in which the weather couldn’t quite decide what it wanted to do….rainy, sunny, cloudy??? Regardless of the sprinkles, Chris and Emily’s day was filled with love, family, and fun.
Emily’s day started bright and early. I believe she got up at 3:45 a.m.!
Emily’s “something blue” was Chris’ mom’s anniversary ring that she allowed Emily to wear for the day.
Emily, you are stunning!
When Chris first saw Emily walking down the aisle it was evident he was filled with heartfelt emotions.
This hill hold a lot of significance for Chris and Emily. They went here after prom, they had their first kiss on this hill, and this is where Chris proposed! It was only fitting that they walk to the top for some wedding pictures!
Chris and Emily had a 10:30 a.m. wedding, so they had breakfast pancakes and sausage for the reception food! A unique and fun twist to the pancakes was the “pancake flipping.” Chris and Emily took their turns flipping pancakes at each other; then the rest of the guests stood in line to catch their flying pancakes! If one landed on the ground another one was flipped to you!
Each guest received “Cookies from the Cooks.” A fitting treat with the last name of Cook!
Special thanks to Andrew Weber for doing a great job of second shooting for Chris and Emily’s wedding! And thanks to Elizabeth Miller for shadowing and snapping some great shots, too!
Hair: Stacy Conner
Makeup: Kelly Scott
Location: Fryer Park in Grove City, Ohio