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Life…Joy and Pain

Why do we take pictures?  To record a special moment, to track the growth of our children…to help us remember.

I don’t always take the time to ponder the importance of the pictures that take, but recently I gave thought to the photos that I took last fall of a baby’s birth and how since then the young father has been diagnosed with lymphoma.  And as I sat at my desk editing a recent wedding, I looked at the groom’s portraits a bit differently realizing that he has a kidney disease, the same disease that shortened the life of his mother.  But it’s not just these instances…life if precious.  Each breath we take is a gift from God.  Eternity is so much closer than we allow ourselves to think about.

Looking forward to eternity and yet living life here on earth.  How do we face the future?  Some of my broken thoughts…savor the moment…yet this life is filled with so much pain…have joy in each day…but sometime we’re overcome with fear…  Recently, I was blessed as I read the accounts of Jesus’ final moments here on earth.  Jesus knew what was ahead…He KNEW pain and death were ahead of Him, but He still took the time to encourage His disciples with these words, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in Me.  Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.  But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33  As we live in this broken world we can walk through the pain AND the joy with Christ.


On another note, if you’re like me, I don’t get in many pictures with my boys.  It’s easy to snap away behind the camera and miss out on being in a picture with them.  So, I’ve decided to purposely take pictures with my little guys…maybe on a timer or as in the case below set the camera up and let them push the button!  It’s just an attempt to help me remember and savor the moment!

Pictures of mom with sons

6 thoughts on “LIFE

  1. Thanks for the stimulating thoughts on pain. I also love the pics especially the one on the left with your noses finishing off the heart!

  2. Living with an eternal perspective is SO hard! What exactly does it even mean?! hope. . . refocused priorities. . . unreserved sharing of the Good News. . . But it’s impossible to completely remove ourselves from the emotions–good or bad–of this life. My “theme” song at this point in life is “When I’m lost in the mystery, To You my future is a memory, Cause You’re already there.” I can’t wait till I can see it all fitting together too!

  3. Thanks for the word. We do serve a great God!! Loved your pictures too. I’ll be more than glad to push the button for you and the boys.:)

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